More Awesomely Bad Movies

It’s time for more Awesomely Bad Movies. Awesomely Bad Movies are movies that you think are awesome, but in reality they are bad movies. Some examples from some of my friends include… Troop Beverly Hills Rad Dark CrystalSometimes it’s hard to admit...

I Pity the Fool

Maybe it’s because I recently watched the preview for the upcoming A-Team movie, but lately I’ve been thinking about fools. I remember being a kid, watching the A-Team, I’d run around quoting Mr. T saying over and over again “I pity the...

One: A Student Experience

Last Wednesday Waters Edge hosted One: A Student Experience. When it comes to Students we have a very different approach. Instead of a weekly student rally we have Community Groups that meet in homes. We feel like students connect with the Sunday experience. We also...

Pants On The Ground

By now I’m assuming you’ve seen or at least heard about Larry Platt, the 62 year old who sang the original song “Pants On The Ground” at his American Idol audition. It was ha-larious. In case you haven’t seen it enjoy the new cultural...

5 Friends Every Woman Needs

So I saw a news blurb about the 5 Friends Every Woman Needs. Since I’m not a woman I don’t know why I watched it, but it peeked my interest. They are…The CheerleaderThe Advice GiverThe Childhood FriendThe Guy FriendThe Honest FriendNow I don’t...

People at the Gym

Are there interesting people at your gym? It seems as if no matter when I go to the gym I see certain types of people. I wish that I had a reason to talk to some of these people to figure out what makes them tick. They are unique, but at the same time they are not the...