by Rob Shepherd | Jul 23, 2010 |
I should have known better. Nothing good comes from anonymous letters. I was consumed by this letter from a person who I didn’t know. I felt great about my talk at church until I read their letter the first time. Now on my fourth reading it was starting to...
by Rob Shepherd | Jul 22, 2010 |
I’ve been grumpy this week. I don’t really know why. My grumpiness has led to a lack of patience, anger at idiot drivers, and screaming at my video game for being stupid. I really think the game I’m playing cheats. I hate losing. I digress. I...
by Rob Shepherd | Jul 21, 2010 |
Some movies are made for women. Think Pride and Prejudice or Center Stage. These are movies guys will avoid like the plague. Then there are chick flicks that most guys can tolerate. Think Hitch or most movies with Reese Witherspoon. There are...
by Rob Shepherd | Jul 20, 2010 |
Fellow Youth Pastor and world famous blogger, Terrace Crawford, scored some free tickets to see John Mayer in concert. He couldn’t go, so he generously gave the tickets to me. My wife, Monica, and I love concerts. We especially love free concerts. ...
by Rob Shepherd | Jul 19, 2010 |
The summer movie season of 2010 has not been the worst summer of movies, but it hasn’t been amazing either. In my opinion it’s had one amazing movie (Toy Story 3), and a bunch of decent but not great movies. So far it was slightly better...
by Rob Shepherd | Jul 16, 2010 |
I’m would not describe myself as a fearful person, but at some reason the week at Student Camp I develop a long list of fears. For example…The showers bring out a lot of fear. I wear shower shoes because I’m afraid my feet will get mad cow disease if...