How To Make Your Man Better

A lot of women marry an idiot.  Maybe it’s just men in general, but it seems like women have a hard time respecting their husbands.  Now when a woman has a hard time respecting her husband her first response is to nag him, or put him down.  I...


It’s no secret that I have a men crush on Tripp and Tyler.  I guess it’d be more proper to say I have a man crush on both Tripp and Tyler.  I think they are funny. I recently got to enjoy some of their videos at Catalyst. They helped emcee...

Sufferin Succotash

I am not a picky eater. I like to think I’m selective. I know what I like and I eat what I like. I will try a bite of just about any food, even if it looks gross. To prove my point I ate a chicken heart in Brazil.  It was gross. There is one food that...

My Very Own Justice League

For the last few years we have collected a few essential baby items.  We knew that it was just a matter of time before God answered our prayers and we became pregnant.  Monica recently pulled out the collection to see what we had.  It’s small, but...


I’ve been thinking about a few things as of late.  In my opinion there are a few things that started off with good intentions but now have become backwards. It’s as if somethings started off well, but now are going in the wrong direction. For...