by Rob Shepherd | Nov 30, 2010 |
Some people are naturally bent towards negativity. It’s not that the glass is half full or empty…it’s more that the glass has smudges, and the beverage in the glass is gag nasty. Now a negative person may spend more time devoting to all things...
by Rob Shepherd | Nov 29, 2010 |
This post is not about basketball. Last off season Lebron James and Chris Bosh joined Dwayne Wade in Miami. A huge over reaction occurred immediately. The media went crazy, fans formed opinions, and most people crowned them the next NBA champions. One...
by Rob Shepherd | Nov 26, 2010 |
So yesterday I jogged in my first 5K. I had some thoughts as I huffed along…I was glad they posted signs that showed where to jog. I don’t have a great sense of direction and I was afraid I’d end up in Williamsburg. That’s about 30 miles...
by Rob Shepherd | Nov 25, 2010 |
As promised I have a special announcement. The Beatles are now on iTunes and my favorite Beatles song is Help. I kid I kid. Last week Apple created some great hype when they posted on iTunes “Tomorrow is just another day…that you’ll never...
by Rob Shepherd | Nov 25, 2010 |
Today at 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time will be making a special announcement. Until then enjoy the funniest Thanksgiving video in the history of Thanksgiving videos. Enjoy.
by Rob Shepherd | Nov 24, 2010 |
My brain is constipated with random thoughts. It’s time to free up some space with another mind dump…Tomorrow is just another day…that you’ll never forget. At 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time will be making a special...