Attack of the Squirrels

My friend Matt tells true stories that are unbelievable. For example, he once took a job as an exterminator. He found the job by reading an ad in the paper. His interview consisted of one question: can you catch rodents? Matt, being the hunter that he is, said...

I Love Being A Dad

Yesterday was Father’s Day. It was my first. I didn’t know what to expect. After all my kids are only 12 weeks old. They can’t write, speak, or buy me stuff. A great gift from them would be to sleep through the night or to not poo for one day only....

If I Ever Spoke At a Graduation

Yesterday I had the privilege to go to a high school graduation. Congrats to all the graduates that represented Waters Edge! It reminded me of a post that I did two years ago. In case you missed it here it is again with a few additions…At the graduation I found...

Days Since Last Incident

Warning: The following post contains the word pee and it involves me getting peed on by my son Hayden. I know what someone is going to be tempted to say, “get a pee pee t-pee.” I have one. This joker finds a way to pee on me, but that’s not what this...

Caption Please

The following picture was taken on Sunday. I think it deserves a caption. If you didn’t know me what would your thoughts be. Enter a caption in the comments.

Perish is not in France

I’m not great with vision. Not only do I wear contacts, but I struggle having a vision and then casting it. Great leaders are all about their vision. They write purpose statements and cast compelling vision to where they are going. Me, well, I tend to focus...