by Rob Shepherd | Mar 5, 2009 |
Let’s have a healthy debate. Do you download music? If so do you pay for it?The question is…Is downloading music for free wrong or not a big deal because so many sites offer it?Let the debate begin.
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 4, 2009 |
I have a hard time dealing with crazy people. I am around people all the time. I think I do a good job at relating to almost anyone. In fact when I first meet a person I try to find a common ground. Whether it’s sports, movies/TV, religion, pop culture, food, or...
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 3, 2009 |
If you are a regular reader of then you know I’m a fan of American Idol. I’m pretty excited about tonight’s show. You see tonight Felicia Barton will take the stage. I’m hoping she tears it up tonight. I know she can sing, but so...
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 3, 2009 |
Awesomely Bad Movies are movies that you think are awesome, but deep down you know they are bad. It’s the type of movie you love but when you show it to your friends they say you are crazy for liking it. Whether it’s “The Sixth Man”,...
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 2, 2009 |
The Never Ending Story…a story written by you. Here’s how it works. I’ll start the story and you continue it in the comment section of the blog. It should be fun.Once upon a time I walked outside to find…
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 1, 2009 |
God doesn’t love me because I’m a pastor. He doesn’t love a person more if they go to church or read their Bible. God doesn’t love us any more if we do things for Him. God doesn’t love you because of anything you do. God loves us like a...