by Rob Shepherd | Mar 7, 2009 |
My friend Jamey received this email from Loren Barton, Felicia Barton’s husband. I was really disappointed with the results of American Idol. It was good to read that she handled things so well.I thought you might like to know how Felicia is doing at this point....
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 6, 2009 |
The truth is way too many people lie. This fact causes most of us to not trust others. Whether it’s car dealers, pastors, or politicians most of us are skeptical when it comes to people telling the truth. In fact a new person has to earn our trust before we will...
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 6, 2009 |
Everybody lies, or so it seems. Because of this it makes it hard to trust anyone. This week I took my car into the dealership to get an oil change. I had a coupon. I’ve tried really hard to take care of my car. Whenever there is a scheduled maintenance due to...
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 6, 2009 |
There are times when we talk and I don’t think we think about what we are saying. For example as a kid whenever I would have a squirt gun some kid would always say, “don’t get me wet my mom will get mad at me.” That is a great line to get you...
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 6, 2009 |
I don’t really have any answers to this series of posts. It does bother me that lying is so prevalent. It bothers me because it causes people to not trust others. For example almost every time I speak in Big Church (Sunday mornings to the whole church) someone...
by Rob Shepherd | Mar 6, 2009 |
The following is not meant to be gross. I may or may not have experienced both of these scenarios and I’m curious to know how others would handle them. Pop quiz hotshot:You are alone in your office and you pass gas. The second you do someone storms in your...