Rob’s Rant

The movie “Home Alone 2” is not a horrible sequel. It’s not as good as the first one but it made me laugh. For some reason this movie is played on TV at least once a month every month of the year. Does this bother anyone else? If it is Christmas time...

Facebook the new Front Porch? Part One

Once upon a time people lived in community. I’ve read stories about how people used to spend hours out on the front porch of their house or of the local store. This is where people hung out, got to know one another, and share life. Back then everyone knew...

Cool or Uncool

Cool or Uncool, a game at where you decide what is cool or uncool. Here’s how you play.Step 1: Read the question below.Step 2: Decide whether you think it is cool or uncool.Step 3: Post your decision by leaving a comment.Cool or Uncool? Pastors...

My Brother

My brother. My brother was born today. He is four years younger than I am. People often mistake us for twins. OK no one ever mistakes us for twins. In fact most people ask if he was adopted, and if we have anything in common? My brother is one of my favorite people in...

5 Good Questions

And now it’s time for…5 Good QuestionsWould You Rather sing in front of a large audience or give a speech in front of a large audience?It’s the most important meal of the day. What is it and did you eat it?NSYNC or New Kids On The Block?Who is your...

The Unpardonable Sin

Most things are forgivable, but this was not only inexcusable it was unforgivable.A little while ago my in-laws came over from VA Beach to hang out with us. When they walked in they told an awful story. What you are about to read is unacceptable, unfathomable, and...