by Rob Shepherd | Apr 11, 2009 |
And now it’s time for another Warm and Fuzzy Memory with Rob…Once upon a time I got pulled over by a cop with a car full of middle school girls.I was in Nags Head visiting a family from my church. One night their daughter started talking about Brew Thru....
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 10, 2009 |
My wife and I try not to use our credit card. It’s too easy to pay the price now and use the credit card, but you always end up paying a bigger price later.It’s really hard for us to say no to things that we want. We both like nice things. The thing that...
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 10, 2009 |
Anyone can have nice abs. In order to get them though you are going to have to pay the price. It’s going to take a lot of hard work, discipline, and time.On the other hand you don’t have to pay the price for nice abs.I’ve been trying to lose weight....
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 10, 2009 |
I love going to sporting events. Most of the time we pay for the cheap seats. In fact for more than one occasion we’ve sat at the very top of a basketball stadium. We were so high you couldn’t hear the ball bounce.On the other hand the two times my wife...
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 10, 2009 |
A good steak costs money. I once went to a restaurant where the cost was at least $50 per person. A friend paid for us to go.On the other hand you can have all you can eat steak for just a few dollars. There is a buffet in almost every town in America that has steak...
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 10, 2009 |
I’ve never owned a nice personal computer. I’ve never been willing to spend the money to get something good. I’m thankful for the computers that I have owned, but I’ve had to pay a price. The first computer I owned died a quick death a few...