by Rob Shepherd | Apr 20, 2009 |
My wife (Monica) and I had a great trip back to Texas this past weekend. We lived there for two years while I was in school becoming a Master. We went to a wedding for one of our good friends. It was great being back there. Here are some thoughts on the trip.I love...
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 20, 2009 |
I like to make up random games. I’m blessed to have a wife and friends who play along with my silliness. Lately I’ve been playing a fun game that I like to call Funny Face Photo.Here’s how you play:Step one: Have a digital cameraStep two: Have some...
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 18, 2009 |
Wow! What an honor to be a guest blogger here at What many of you may not know is that Rob is the one that got me into blogging in the first place. Its been a desire of mine for years to write a book. My mom is always on me to write the Great American...
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 17, 2009 |
Why I don’t read ROBSHEP.COM. There are a lot of adjectives tossed around to describe bloggers. Mindless, vanity-ridden, narcissistic, egotistical, wasters of time, comes to mind. But I know Rob. And he’s none of these things. So I thought I would do him...
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 16, 2009 |
Why I…use the somewhat offensive phrase wipe your own butt.There was a time in life when someone else had to wipe your butt. Hopefully, if you can read this blog, that is no longer happening. At a certain age it was OK to have someone else wipe your butt. You...
by Rob Shepherd | Apr 16, 2009 |
Why I ______.Why I is a series of posts by me and some of my friends about why we do or don’t do some of the things we do. As I’m developing this series I’d love to know what you would like me to write about. What do I do that makes you wonder why I...