Cool or Uncool

Cool or Uncool, a game at where you decide what is cool or uncool. Here’s how you play.Step 1: Read the question below.Step 2: Decide whether you think it is cool or uncool.Step 3: Post your decision by leaving a comment.Cool or Uncool? Pimping your...

Brockey ’09

Brockey ’09 was a success. What is Brockey ’09 you ask? It’s a an event for the Students at Waters Edge Church. It’s like ice hockey but with brooms and participants run in shoes instead of skates. It’s always a scary event because...

Slim-Fast Slip-up

I started drinking Slim-Fast for breakfast a few months ago. It took me a few days to acquire a taste for the meal in a can, but now I kind of like it. My favorite flavors are chocolate and then strawberry. My wife soon followed me in the Slim-Fast adventure and she...

Iron Man

I iron my clothes everyday. It started in high school. I remember a girl in my class wore something with wrinkles and people made fun of her behind her back. I didn’t want to be made fun of so I started ironing. From time to time I even iron my clothes to the...

Warm and Fuzzy Memories with Rob

Once upon a time I was going to school to get my masters. Every once in a while everyone needs to take a skip day. Well, one day my friend Chuck took a skip day. When I was in college I bought a copy machine to make colored copies for my youth ministry. Because I...

Why I Part 5: Guest Blog Kyle Walker

When Rob asked me to be a guest blogger for this series called “Why I…” I knew immediately what I needed to blog about. “Why I . . . tinkle sitting down at my home- especially at night.” I feel like I have even more reasons than these- I...