My Pastor Doesn’t Get My Blog

I had a conversation with my pastor the other day and he said that there is nothing wrong with my blog but he just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t get why I care about the stats of my blog. He doesn’t get why I love writing it. He doesn’t get why I...

The Death of Dreaming

If you could be anything and not fail what would you be? If you could do anything and not fail what would you do?At some point in our lives we used to dream BIG dreams. As kids we went from wanting to be superheroes, to firemen, to all star athletes. We used to dream...

Don’t Worry About How Others Respond

I’m a people pleaser. For years this is something that God has been working out of me. One of the things that I’ve noticed about being a people pleaser is that I hate confrontation. I’ve gotten a lot better at it, but I still find myself avoiding it....

Stage Three Clinger

This past weekend I went to get my hairs cut. Hairs is not a typo. When I was in high school one of my teachers would always jokingly correct someone if they asked him if he got a hair cut. He would say something like, “I actually had multiple hairs cut and not...

I love gifts!!!!

I love gifts! This week I came into my office and had a wrapped present sitting in my chair. The present simply said To I didn’t know what it was, but I was excited to see. I ripped open the present and found this book…The book is by the...

Busy Week

Does Sunday start off a person’s week? I’ve often heard that but if always feels like the end of a week for me. If it is the start then my week started off at mach three speed.Sunday I spoke 4 times at my church, Waters Edge. I was dog tired last night. I...