What’s the real problem?

Two weeks ago we turned on the air conditioner for the first time. When we turned it on it worked for a nano second but then shut down. To fix it I changed the filters, turned off the power (I thought maybe it just needed to be rebooted), and banged on the thermostat....

G.I. Joe

G.I. Joe has been a big part of my life. When I was in elementary school I would rush home to watch the cartoon. I used to get a $3 a week allowance and the highlight of my week was going to the store and picking out a G.I. Joe action figure. I even used to buy the...

I’m really patient unless you make me wait

Last night in Community Group we were talking about areas of our life where we need God to work. I shared something that surprised my group. I stink at being patient.A few weeks ago I asked God to show me what I needed to work on. This is always one of those prayers...

My Own Personal Horror Movie

There is a quaint town near me called Poquoson. It’s a small town surrounded by water. It’s the perfect place for a horror movie.I recently visited this little town to go to a varsity boy’s soccer game. As soon as we opened our car doors we were...

Movie Review – Star Trek

It’s weird for me to say this, but I’m now a fan of Star Trek. Star Trek in my opinion has always been the ugly step child of Star Wars. In my circles it was cool to like Star Wars, but one would think twice about admitting to being a Trekkie. The worst...


One of my favorite bands is NeedToBreathe. I heard them about four years ago. I went to a concert to see another band and they opened for that band. They hadn’t released a CD yet but as soon as I heard them I said I was going to buy their CD the day it came out....