Don’t Forget to Say Thanks

During my first year of marriage I worked at a church as the Assistant Minister to Students. I loved my time there. There was however one not so positive thing about my experience there. I didn’t know if what I was doing was making a difference. I worked my tail...

Would You Do Your Job For Free?

Would you work at your job if you weren’t getting paid?A few months ago my pastor made a comment in one of his talks that I don’t think he thought anyone would take him up on. He was talking on volunteering and he said if you have time to volunteer during...

Bangerang Kool-Aid

I lead a small group of high school guys every Wednesday night for Community Group. We have some house rules.Don’t ring the doorbell. Just walk in when you come to group. Help yourself. If you want a drink help yourself. (Amendment: the first amendment to the...

The Right Words at the Right Time

Last spring I went to LA and I went to a Los Angeles Clippers home game vs. the Lakers at the Staples Center. They share a home court. Ever since then I get weekly updates on tickets for upcoming events at the Staples Center…in LA!They send great email messages....

Peeing in the Shower…Seriously?

A friend of mine read a recent magazine article that talked about saving water by peeing in the shower. Seriously? That is gross. They said that instead of flushing the toilet just tinkle while you shower. Now I know many a friend who does this but it’s just...