Waters Edge First Service

Yesterday Waters Edge Church opened the doors to our new building. It was considered a soft opening. We have publicized this coming weekend, June 6 and 7, as Grand Opening weekend. We have never had a building before and we wanted to work all the kinks out before we...

Waters Edge First Service

Today Waters Edge opens it’s doors for our first services in the new building. For day one we are starting with four services – 8:30, 9:45, 11:10 and 6:00PM. Here are a few picks from earlier this week. It’s come a long way since then. I’ll...

The Standout

My friend, Blake, sent me this link to a blog called AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com It’s ha-larious. The whole site it dedicated to awkward pictures. Click on the link to visit the site. For some the leotard is merely canvas. Some kids will tell you exactly what they...

How’d You Find robshep.com

Thanks for taking the time to read robshep.com. Some of you read because you are friends of mine. Others read because you go to Waters Edge Church. Some of you have blogs of your own and we have met via the world wide web. There is one last group of people who read...

Your Husband Is Not An Idiot Part 2

I’m not great with details. In fact I’ve made so many little mistakes it would be easy for my wife to say I’m an idiot. One year for Valentines Day I tried my best to make the day special for my wife. I bought five surprises for our five years...

Your Husband Is Not An Idiot Part 1

A friend of mine recently posted on his blog about a conversation he overheard. It was two woman who were bashing on men. I’ve heard this same conversation many times throughout the years. Men are idiots.Here is some food for thought. If your husband is really...