Meet Jake

Jake Holland is my connection to YouTube. He finds the best videos and then posts them on his blog. I’ve known Jake since…I want to say middle school…but at least since he was in high school. His blog makes me laugh. Take a moment to visit his blog...

Game One Success

Last night was a great victory for my Lakers. We won big. I hope they don’t get cocky because they still have to win 3 more games.Yesterday some friends stopped by to watch the game. My friend Carlyn brought Lakers, purple and gold, cupcakes. We drank Bangerang...

I Love The Lakers

I’m a BIG Lakers fan. Now before you say something silly, like I’m a bandwagon fan, I thought I would tell you about how long I’ve liked the Lakers.When I was four years old my mom gave me a basketball and pointed me towards a ten foot basket...

Meet Matt

Meet my friend Matt. He’s currently serving our country overseas in a undisclosed location. He left his wife and friends in VA. His wife Kelly had a stuffed action figure made in his likeness. He has a blog that I enjoy reading. Check it out here and tell him...

What Would You Do?

I recently met a gentle man who had breath that smelled like a monkey’s anus. His breath was awful. I think he had stanky (stanky is one step beyond stinky) breath and then tried to cover it over with a cigarette. It really was one of the top ten worst smells I...

Bruised Lee

This past weekend I got jacked up. It started when I was doing a walk around Waters Edge new building. I was walking to pick up some trash that the contractors left and I stepped in ankle high mud. I was dressed for the service. I was wearing my new shoes. I washed it...