I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!

There is not a lot of good television during the summer. Because of the lack of quality programming I’ve DVR’d a few shows that normally wouldn’t not get my time. I found out the MC Hammer has a reality TV show. I also started watching...

Nick Names

Do you have a nickname? If so how did you get it? It’s kind of an art to give a good nickname. A lot of people don’t give them. A lot of people don’t have them. Some people get one and it doesn’t stick. But a few people get a good nickname and...

Boys Don’t Look

My wife says, “boys don’t know how to look.” What she means by that is guys don’t do a great job at finding something when they are looking for it. Now she generalizes and says “boys,” but I am wondering if other guys have the same...

Happy Padres Day

My dad is amazing. He is probably the nicest guy you will ever meet. Looking back over my childhood one thing I greatly appreciate about my dad is how he showed interest in whatever we were interested in. He took interest in Wrestling when Hulk Hogan was my hero. He...

Lifehouse with NeedtoBreathe

Last night me and some friends experienced Lifehouse with NeedtoBreathe in concert. The best part was that it was free. The concert was at The Naval Amphibious Base in Norfolk. I love both bands, but as I’ve mentioned before NeedtoBreathe is one of my favorites....