I’m bringing honor back

I think honor is a lost art in America. In an attempt to be funny we have turned everything from the President, to Pope into a joking matter. Nothing is sacred anymore. There are a few things that I try really hard to honor. I try to show honor to my wife. I try to...

North vs. South

There is a belief that divides our country. It’s a battle that pits family member versus family member. It’s a battle where lines are drawn, sides are taken, and in the end only one side wins the war. The North vs. The South: Who has the better food?...

My wife was Jesus

It’s hard to serve people. It’s easier to pretend to not notice others. This week my wife served someone she barley knew. She scarified time she didn’t have, money she would rather spend on something else, and exhausted herself to serve.Her serving...

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was the first superstar musician I remember. I remember in first grade a kid in my class had the red jacket MJ wore in beat it. I remember being a kid and wearing one glove because of MJ. I remember when I first saw the moonwalk and immediately...


My buddy Matt is putting on a contest. If you’d like to have a chance to win a free t-shirt click here. Here are the rules:Come up with a band or artist that you have caught flack for listening to and Matt will buy the winner a T-Shirt of that band. Matt will...