Reading Machine

My wife reads like a machine. Have you ever seen a movie where a robot digests a book by feverishly flipping through the pages retaining every word they scan? That’s my wife. She read 3, count em, 3 Twilight books in three days. She’s on the fourth now,...

Movie Review – The Proposal

The romantic comedy formula is often imitated in chick flicks. Girl meets boy and they fall in love. In the middle of the movie there is a conflict and they break up. They then get back together and live happily ever after. It’s a formula that works if you have...

Mind Dump

My brain feels constipated with thoughts. I need to get them out. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.I had a great 4th of July Weekend. I didn’t have to work Thursday or Friday, so me and my wife took some friends to her...

Happy Fourth of July Weekend

Tomorrow is the 4th of July. Yeah America!Question: What other countries have the 4th of July?If you said none then you are incorrect.Answer: All other countries have July 4th, but it’s a holiday in America because we celebrate our Independence. But did you know...

Have you seen this?

Aaron Shutway, and eighth grader from Ohio, made a trick basketball shot that is amazing. It was featured on SportsCenter. In fact it was the play of the month for June. Side note: I’m a little bitter it beat out Derek Fisher’s three in the Finals for the...

Waters Edge

I love my church. Last night a friend of mine texted me to tell me that Waters Edge landed in the top 100 churches for Youth Baptism for 2008. 97 to be exact. The only other church that made the list in Virginia was Liberty Baptist. Baptism is an outward sign of what...