Last week before my Student Community Group I discovered that I was missing my silver controller for my PS3. A lot of weeks a few guys come over early to play video games and this is when I discovered it was missing. The last time that I saw it was the week before at Student Group. Now we have had a few people look at our house because it was on the market, and I host two Community Groups (one adult and one student), but I don’t think any of them would have taken it. So the question is what happened to the silver controller?

Before group started the guys in my group tore up my house looking for said silver controller. This was a Christmas present and they aren’t cheap. Plus only one person can play if I don’t find this controller. The guys looked in lamps, under couch cushions, and in every cabinet in the kitchen. They then came up with some pretty funny theories as to what happened to the silver controller.

Here’s the contest…come up with the best theory as to what happened to my controller and you will win
Grand Prize = sticker.
Second Place = “Sun Stand Still” by Steven Furtick. It’s a book.
Third Place = Mad respect.

Leave a comment and the winner will be picked and announced on Friday. I’m looking for something that is creative and or funny. Go!