This past weekend I got jacked up. It started when I was doing a walk around Waters Edge new building. I was walking to pick up some trash that the contractors left and I stepped in ankle high mud. I was dressed for the service. I was wearing my new shoes. I washed it off with a hose and had a wet foot for the next four hours. I felt like Principal Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. If you don’t know what I’m talking about watch the following clip. The mud part starts at 2:30. It’s rated PG-13 for a few swears.

After that I skinned a chunk of skin off of my thumb. I snagged it while trying to tear off the plastic from a clipboard. Right after that I cut my thumb on a piece of cardboard. Same hand.

The next day I was trying to avoid stepping in ankle high mud and I fell on my face. I fell hard. I slammed the ground scuffing my new shoes, and jeans. I landed hard on my wrist. My wrist still hurts. It’s probably broken. Ok it’s probably not broken but it hurts. I also scuffed my hand and knee.

To close things out I have not one but two gumboils/canker sores/mouth zits or whatever you call them. They’re right under my lip and they hurt like a mother. I blame this one on the stress of moving into our new building at Waters Edge. Right now I am a walking bruise.