My brain is so full of stuff it feels constipated. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.

  • The Lakers play tonight. They lost the home opener to Houston. This game is crucial.
  • I’ve got so much on my brain your getting not one, not two, but three blog posts today.
  • I’ve got my Student Community Group tonight. I missed last week because of Thr3e. I’m amped to be back with them tonight.
  • Star Trek comes out this Friday. I’m waiting until Saturday to see a matinee. Look for the review by Saturday afternoon.
  • Waters Edge is only three weeks away from moving into our building. That is crazy to me. I can’t wait.
  • I think the judges of American Idol have an agenda. They want Adam Lambert in the finals. Was it just me or did they seem harsh on everyone else last night? He was in the bottom two last week and I think they wanted to make sure he made it this week.
  • Monica (my lovely wife) bought me some new clothes. She has great taste so I always like when she picks stuff out for me.
  • I only have one pair of black shoes. They hurt my feet so I rarely wear them. I need to wear them with one of my new shirts. I think I’m going to get gel inserts…is that what you call them? Has anyone tried them? It’s going to be hard for me not to say I’m gellin every five seconds.
  • I heard on the radio that someone on the TV show 24 got arrested. They said that story was coming up but 15 minutes later they still hadn’t talk about it. Does anyone know who they were talking about?
  • I’m hoping my last series of posts didn’t make anyone self conscious to talk to me after a talk at church. It’s not something that I dwell on, but so many people say funny things to me I decided to post about it.
  • My pastor is now on Twitter. If you aren’t following him then you should. He writes good tweets.

Whew I feel relieved to get all of that out.