This past week I went to Thr3e in Charlotte, NC. Thr3e was a one day event put on by Pastor Steven Furtick and Elevation Church. It was good. It was really good. I went with my pastor, Stu Hodges, and he said that it was the best conference he’s ever been to. Thr3e was three sessions in one day. No music, and no gimmicks. When we got done my brain was full. It felt constipated with knowledge. I’ve been sitting on these thoughts since last week and it is now time to let them out. The following is a brain dump. Even if you are not a pastor there are some great quotes from Thr3e.

  • Their volunteers were amazing! When we got there they gave us Krispy Kreme Donuts and we were assigned a volunteer host. He gave us his card with his cell number on it in case we needed anything.
  • First session was about 3 Elements Elevation wants to be known for. Culture of Audacity, Uniqueness, and Honor…somehow I ended up with a fourth one which was generosity. .
  • Audacity is a spirit not a set of actions.
  • God doesn’t step up until you step out.
  • Don’t insult God with small requests.
  • As a leader look for ways to remind your followers where you have been.
  • Steven’s take on honor was eye opening. I wish every senior pastor and every member of every church could have heard it.
  • Steven said that as pastors, “If people don’t see you as a man of God they can’t hear from God.”
  • Session Two – Systems and Strategy
  • We’re Ruth Chris not Golden Coral. In other words do what you do well and say no to everything else.
  • “Dress for the wedding not for the gas station.” – structure your church for where you want to go not for where you are. If you are dressed for a wedding and go to a gas station you will look silly. But when you get to the wedding you will look great.
  • Think Inside the Box – this was my favorite part of this session. Instead of focusing on what you are not think inside the box that you are in. The question is “how do I change what I do have.”
  • When you think outside the box you get frustration but when you think inside the box you are in you get innovation.
  • Third Session – The Cost of Your Calling
  • The difference between where you are and where God wants you to be is the pain you are willing to endure.
  • The space between hope and change is pain.
  • “You wouldn’t worry about how much people think about you if you knew how seldom they did.”

Whew. I feel better now that I could dump all of that out of my brain. The truth is there is a lot more. I took a lot of notes. Now I just pray I’ll put into action what I heard.