This past week I went to Thr3e in Charlotte, NC. Thr3e was a one day event put on by Pastor Steven
- Their volunteers were amazing! When we got there they gave us Krispy Kreme Donuts and we were assigned a volunteer host. He gave us his card with his cell number on it in case we needed anything.
- First session was about 3 Elements Elevation wants to be known for. Culture of Audacity, Uniqueness, and Honor…somehow I ended up with a fourth one which was generosity. .
- Audacity is a spirit not a set of actions.
- God doesn’t step up until you step out.
- Don’t insult God with small requests.
- As a leader look for ways to remind your followers where you have been.
- Steven’s take on honor was eye opening. I wish every senior pastor and every member of every church could have heard it.
- Steven said that as pastors, “If people don’t see you as a man of God they can’t hear from God.”
- Session Two – Systems and Strategy
- We’re Ruth Chris not Golden Coral. In other words do what you do well and say no to everything else.
- “Dress for the wedding not for the gas station.” – structure your church for where you want to go not for where you are. If you are dressed for a wedding and go to a gas station you will look silly. But when you get to the wedding you will look great.
- Think Inside the Box – this was my favorite part of this session. Instead of focusing on what you are not think inside the box that you are in. The question is “how do I change what I do have.”
- When you think outside the box you get frustration but when you think inside the box you are in you get innovation.
- Third Session – The Cost of Your Calling
- The difference between where you are and where God wants you to be is the pain you are willing to endure.
- The space between hope and change is pain.
- “You wouldn’t worry about how much people think about you if you knew how seldom they did.”
Whew. I feel better now that I could dump all of that out of my brain. The truth is there is a lot more. I took a lot of notes. Now I just pray I’ll put into action what I heard.
thanks for the brain dump rob! your quick blurbs on session 3 changed my day. have a great one!
Thanks for letting it spill over. Thought-worthy notes.
Interesting tidbits. Thanks for sharing Rob.
Great stuff Rob. I am glad that I attended…your blog! Hope all is well. Tell Stu that Matt and Julia say hello