My wife says, “boys don’t know how to look.” What she means by that is guys don’t do a great job at finding something when they are looking for it. Now she generalizes and says “boys,” but I am wondering if other guys have the same problem that I do. Here’s an example.

This morning I threw away my old contacts and I couldn’t find my new ones. I knew I had new contacts because we bought a years supply and I have only used two. I looked, on my own, for about 15 minutes in the bathroom closet. I looked very carefully. I took things out and forced my mind to concentrate on the task at hand. I didn’t want to, but after 15 minutes I had to ask her where they were. She said they were in the bathroom closet. The same bathroom closet that I had been searching in for 15 minutes. After circa 5 more minutes of searching my wife walked in the room and pulled the new contacts out of the closet. It took her less than 5 seconds.

She then said to me once again, “boys don’t know how to look.” Is it just me, or does this plague the entire male species?