It’s ok to be proud of what you are good at.

Every person is gifted in some area.  I believe it’s how God has wired us.  At the same time no one possesses every talent and ability out there.  That means that some people are great at performing, but I bet they stink at administration.  Some people hate the thought of public speaking, but I bet they love the behind the scenes details. Every once in a while you will find someone with multiple talents and abilities, but if you look hard enough you’ll find that they have an area where they are weak.

Whatever you are good at you should be proud of.  It’s who God has created you to be.  The secret to being proud and not prideful of your abilities is to know where your talent comes from, and then to share it with others. 

I am confident in the abilities that I have.  I don’t think that I’m the greatest of all time, but I know what I can and can’t do.  The best gifts that I have are public speaking and creativity.  Those are the gifts that God has given me and I’m proud of them.  So it’s my goal to be the best that I can be in the areas where God has gifted me.  At the same time I know where I’m not naturally gifted.  I know I suck at administration and the little details. I need other people…other people who know they are gifted in administration…to come along side me.  When they do we both shine in the areas where we are gifted. 

I don’t know if you feel like you have to be humble about where you are gifted. I don’t know if you feel like you have to downplay your strengths so others won’t think you are prideful.  What I do know is that it’s ok to be proud of the gifts God has given you.  Give Him credit for your strengths and then lean on others where you are weak and you’ll be proud but not prideful.