My twins have developed baby ADD. Well, it has not been diagnosed and I am not going to mention it to a doctor for fear that they’d put them on baby Ritalin. Here’s the scene: I am holding one of the twins and they become interested in everything but me. Now in case you were about to say well maybe they don’t like you, it’s not just me. They tend to do this with others as well. While sitting on my lap they will look around at everything else. It’s really tough when I am trying to feed them. They will turn their head away and lose focus of their yum yums (that’s what I call their bottle food) and focus on whoever is talking.

Last week I went to a conference called Catalyst. It’s one of my favorite parts of the year. I love it because I get to see friends that I haven’t seen since college, or seminary. I get to hang out with my best friend since 7th grade. I get to meet bloggers who I’ve only seen online. I love the Catalyst experience. But one thing that I love above everything else are the challenges that I get from the speakers. This year’s theme was “Be Present.” I was challenged in so many ways but near the beginning of the conference I was challenged about being present with my kids.

Here’s the deal, I love my kids! I love my kids and yet I spend a lot of time holding them while I’m looking at my smart phone. I was hit with conviction when one of the speakers talked about being addicted to our phones. My kids are only six months old. I hate to think that they may have learned to be absent from me. I often am present in person but absent in the mind. Does that mean I’m absent minded? I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m often with people and my mind is somewhere else. I’m often with my kids and my attention is on my smart phone. Maybe it’s hereditary or maybe it’s something my kids picked up from me. I just want to do a better job of being present.

How about you? When do you struggle to be present?