I lead a small group of high school guys every Wednesday night for Community Group. We have some house rules.

  1. Don’t ring the doorbell. Just walk in when you come to group.
  2. Help yourself. If you want a drink help yourself. (Amendment: the first amendment to the rules was I had to add a two drink limit because one of the students was drinking 3 to 4 cans of soda in an hour and half time period.)
  3. When you pee in the bathroom out of respect for my wife put the toilet seat back down. Even if you don’t know my wife respect her. There is a picture of me and my wife above the toilet. The students tell me it weirds them out but it’s there to remind them to close the lid. Just joking.
  4. When you drink the Kool-Aid you have to say bangerang.

Do you remember the phrase bangerang from the movie Hook? In a desperate attempt to cut back on the sodas we were buying my wife bought black cherry Kool-Aid. On the first night we had it I was trying to get the students to drink it and I told them it was bangerang Kool-Aid. Whenever they would ask why I would simply say because when you drink it you will say the words bangerang…it’s just that good.

For some reason that stuck. Whenever we have Kool-Aid the students call it bangerang. If a new student comes to group other students will tell them to drink the bangerang Kool-Aid. I always feel a little weird at this point because drinking the Kool-Aid at church has some negative feelings attached to it. Anyway…sure enough when a student drinks the Kool-Aid they will say the phrase bangerang after they drink it.

I recommend trying black cherry Kool-Aid…who knows maybe you too will have to say bangerang after you drink it.