Have you ever noticed there are no bad drivers? Let me clarify…there are plenty of bad drivers out there, but for some reason whenever you confront a bad driver they never admit that they are bad. I’m not saying I’m an amazing driver, but the worst drivers I know all claim to be good drivers. For just once I would like for a really bad driver to say, “ya know what…I stink at driving.”
I will name one, my wife is bad. In her defense she comes from a family of really bad drivers and she is much better than them.
Bad driving is very subjective though. My wife thinks I drive slow, I have friends who think I'm a fast / aggressive driver. I'd say I'm in between and a decent driver. I'm sure some would disagree.
i prbably stink…but not the worst at least…ha.
At least name some names. Let's start some exciting discussion here! hah.
I will name one, my wife is bad. In her defense she comes from a family of really bad drivers and she is much better than them.
Bad driving is very subjective though. My wife thinks I drive slow, I have friends who think I'm a fast / aggressive driver. I'd say I'm in between and a decent driver. I'm sure some would disagree.
I admit that I am a bad driver.
Good points.
I think I am by far the most distracted driver I have ever met and it makes me a bad driver, I am not afraid to admit that.