I’ve been thinking about a few things as of late.  In my opinion there are a few things that started off with good intentions but now have become backwards. It’s as if somethings started off well, but now are going in the wrong direction. For example…

  • Getting old. Nobody likes to get old, but we’ve become obsessed with staying young.  Age should be a blessing. Getting older should respresent wisdom, accomplishments and passing on a legacy.  I think that one reason why Americans hate getting older is because we fail to accomplish anything significant when we are young. Now I’m not a fan of getting so old I poo my pants and drool, but my goal is to get old with no regrets.
  • Freedom.  I love that we have freedom in America. But freedom doesn’t mean there aren’t rules and that we aren’t responsible. I recently heard about a girl who is suing her school because they asked her to take out her nose ring. After she refused they suspended her. She’s suing on the basis of freedom of religion. That’s right religion. She’s a part of the Church of Body Modification. A church that finds god through piercing. I’m ok with them having the freedom to have that silly religion, but that doesn’t mean that other rules don’t apply. If I made a religion of fat naked guys I’d have the freedom to worship God in that way, but I still couldn’t go out in public. Just because I have the freedom doesn’t mean other rules don’t apply. We are free but there are lots of rules we still have to follow.
  • Woman’s rights. I’m all for women having equal rights with men. Let me say it again…I’m all for women having equal rights with men, but I feel like we are so pro women that we have sacrificed the role of men. Men in our society are depicted as sex addicted, beer loving, idiots.  I think we need both women and men to live responsible and help each other out. We are not equal in the gifts that we bring to the table, and our society needs both women and men.
  • Privacy. I’m all for privacy, but I feel like we have put up so many fences and barriers that we have lost having community.  People these days don’t even wave to their neighbors. I feel more comfortable calling a friend 15 minutes away to borrow eggs then I do most my neighbors.
  • Not caring what people think. I hear this often, “I’m going to be me and I don’t care if people like me or not.” First off that’s not completely true, everyone cares about what someone thinks about them. Second, there are some opinions that we should care about. I’m all about trying to not be a people pleaser, but at the same time not caring about any one’s opinion is unhealthy. I’ve learned to grow as a person. I’ve been challenged. I’ve had blind spots pointed out because of other people’s opinions. Not every one’s opinion matters, and I don’t think we should live for others opinions, but we should allow some wise people to influence us. We should allow some people to help make us better.