Movie Review: Iron Man 2

The summer movie season has officially begun. Iron Man 2 kicks off the popcorn season with a bang.  If you haven’t seen the first Iron Man I recommend renting it.  It’s a super hero movie but it feels different than all the other super hero...

Things I just don’t understand…

Why some jean companies put the size of the jeans on a back patch right above the pocket. Who wants to have their pant size advertised on the back of their pants?Why people stop in the middle of a crowd to talk. It’s not that hard to move over to the side to...

The 80’s Ruled

I saw the above picture on Chad Swanzy’s blog. As soon as I saw it I had one thought…the 80’s were AWESOME!Today there is a massive void of original, creative characters. Think about the things that make up pop culture today. Today is made up of sub...

5 Random Facts About robshep

I can be shy at times. If I’m not in my comfort zone I tend to sit back and watch. I think this throws some people off because they’ve seen me on stage at church or with my friends. It often doesn’t take me long to break out of my shell, but if I...

Mixed CD’s

I love a good mixed CD. You know, when someone puts a bunch of random songs and mixes it onto one CD. Over the years I’ve made lots of mixes for my wife. Some of our friends have ended up hearing the mixes and have then asked me to make them one. I typically...