Everything Doesn’t Happen For A Reason

Everything doesn’t happen for a reason.  Some things happen for a reason.  If you make a poor choice and you reap the consequences then there is a reason for that.  If you work really hard and see the fruits of your labor then you can know...

I Need Advice

Are you a good neighbor? I don’t think I am.  From time to time I try to be.  One time I mowed all of my neighbors front yards.  They were all looking pretty rough.  I live in a town home so it didn’t take too long.  Afterward I...

Movie Review: Robin Hood

Like Batman, James Bond, Zorro, and the Lone Ranger; Robin Hood is one of those classic characters that reemerge for each generation to enjoy.  As a kid I loved the Disney cartoon version of Robin Hood.  As an 8th grader I fell in love with the movie Robin...