by Rob Shepherd | May 31, 2010 |
In an attempt to not become hoarders my wife and I have been cleaning out closets and pantries. It’s amazing how easy it is to collect junk. It’s also amazing how hard it is to get rid of said junk. It’s been really hard for both of us to...
by Rob Shepherd | May 30, 2010 |
Since everyone and their mom are talking about where Lebron James is going to end up next year I thought I’d throw in my two cents. In my opinion if Lebron wants to continue to build his legacy he should stay in Cleveland. They have never won a...
by Rob Shepherd | May 28, 2010 |
I don’t know at what age it happens, but at some age people become set in their ways and refuse to change. You can see it in their wardrobe. You can see it in the type of car they drive. You can even see it in what type of church they...
by Rob Shepherd | May 27, 2010 |
I’ve been told that I’m passionate about the things I love. The following is a list of 5 Favorites of mine. 5 Favorite Cartoons from my childhoodG.I. Joe – this was my all time favorite cartoon as a kidSuper Friends – Batman & Robin,...
by Rob Shepherd | May 26, 2010 |
Last weekend Monica (my wife) and I got invited to Beach Games 2010. It was a great night of games, hanging with friends, and cooking out. I’m very glad that I got invited, but I’m not sure why I did. I’m not a big fan of the beach,...