A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

I felt like I was in the middle of a legion of soldiers gearing up for battle.  The atmosphere was electric. The battle cries were unanimous. The problem was I was rooting for the enemy.  Last Thursday my wife, Monica, and I...

Back to the 80’s

Did I somehow accidentally take a ride in a Delorean that had a flux capacitor and was powered by 1.21 gigawatts? I think I’ve woke up in the 80’s. Today the A-Team and the Karate Kid are opening in theaters nationwide.  At the same time the Lakers...

The soundtrack to our lives

Music plays a HUGE role in movies.  The right song can make a scene. Whether it’s a symphony score, a ballad for a romantic scene, or rock for an action scene music plays as big of a part in a movie as the the actors.  What would Rocky be without the...

Things I blame on others…

I blame liking owning certain songs on my wife. Sometimes I get nervous someone will try to revoke my man card by questioning a song that I like.  Lucky for me I have a wife. When someone gets in my car and you know Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, or New Kids on...

Good friends wear Lakers jerseys

I know a lot of you who read robshep.com aren’t Lakers fans…or even sports fans for that matter. I apologize for all the Lakers stuff as of late. I’m just a little excited about my favorite sports team being in the Finals. It will end soon I promise....