You dropped your audacious dream

When I was in high school one of my classmates used to walk up to people, point to the ground, and then say, “you dropped your elbow.”  For some reason people almost always looked to the ground.  I thought this was very funny. For a brief time in...

Would You Rather…

Would you rather…Have to walk around naked. I’m talking to the gym, grocery store, work, the mall and anywhere else you might go.  OrHave all of your thoughts exposed. I’m talking every little thought you think about your boss, your spouse, your...

Why I HATE Jogging Outside

Last week I went jogging…once. That was all it took to bring back to my memory all the reasons why I hate jogging outside.  I can’t remember why I didn’t go to the gym that day, but it was the worst mistake of my week.  I hate...

A Rumor Sparks A War

Last June I had the opportunity to visit Boston, Massachusetts.  While there I ended up picking up a book about the Boston Massacre.  The book pointed out that even though 5 people were killed the event was exaggerated by the colonists and was a key factor...

Week of Pictures: Twins

So to end my week of pictures on I thought I’d show the pictures we received yesterday of our twins.  I’m not really sure what I’m looking at but the dr. told me it’s two babies.  I’ll take her word for...