by Rob Shepherd | Dec 6, 2010 |
Have you ever not been invited to something that you thought you should be invited to? In a world of Facebook and Twitter it’s easier then ever to see something and feel left out. When someone leaves you off the guest list there are a handful of ways in...
by Rob Shepherd | Dec 4, 2010 |
I’m not one of those Harry Potter fanatics. I’ve never read the books. I couldn’t tell you the difference between Gryffindor and Muggles. I wouldn’t dare knock them. In fact I understand where they are coming from. I’ve been a HUGE...
by Rob Shepherd | Dec 3, 2010 |
I like buffets. Let me clarify…I don’t really like the food at buffets. It’s often a lower quality and I feel the pressure to eat a lot. Because I paid for all I can eat I feel the pressure to fill my plate multiple times. I waddle out feeling guilty...
by Rob Shepherd | Dec 2, 2010 |
I often struggle to follow God. There is a part of me that wants to but there is always a selfish side of me that would rather…well…live for me. It’d be easier to not give 10% of our income to the local church. It’d be easier to talk poo about...
by Rob Shepherd | Dec 1, 2010 |
It’s that time again. Time to look at some of the key words that led people to and time for me to comment on those searches. Every once in a while I like to look at the keyword analysis that is attached to my blog. It lets me know what words people...