A Super-Sized Look Back At 2010

I think it’s important to reflect. We shouldn’t live in the past, but it’s healthy to visit. It helps us learn and grow.  When analyzing the past for some reason it’s a lot easier to remember the bad times over the good. I recommend trying...

Cool or Uncool?

Cool or Uncool – a game at robshep.com where you decide what’s cool. There is not right or wrong answer, but the outcome is decided by the majority.  Here’s how you play. Read the item at hand and then leave a comment saying whether you think...

Movie Review: True Grit

My dad loves westerns. They are his super heroes.  Did you know that there is a cable TV network dedicated to all things western? There is, and my dad watches it.  Growing up I was often exposed to westerns that my dad loved.  Some how I missed the...

TMI = ME Part 2

A friend recently told me about an article he read in Newsweek.  People were randomly surveyed and asked how often they went to church.  On average people answered that they went twice a month.  The problem is that according to church attendance those...


If you read robshep.com then you know I often don’t have a filter. Words come pouring out of my mind and onto this blog on a regular basis. It could be said that I often fall into the TMI category. That’s Too Much Information in case you aren’t down...