by Rob Shepherd | Jan 7, 2011 |
This past Christmas Eve we premiered a video during Lead Pastor Stu Hodge’s talk. At Waters Edge we use humor to connect with people. It’s amazing how when you can make someone laugh they will let their guard down and receive truth. Even if it’s a...
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 6, 2011 |
My brain is constipated with random thoughts. It’s time to free up some space with another mind dump…This is the first mind dump of 2011. That means that I haven’t mind dumped since last year. I think it’s corny, but I still like to make jokes...
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 5, 2011 |
So I got Call of Duty: Black OPS for a Christmas present. It’s one of those games that I hear about all the time but I’ve never played before. If you’ve never played then what you need to know is people play this game online. You can play war games...
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 4, 2011 |
Where do you fall in the following two categories? Most people either pray like it depends on God and then do nothing or they work like it depends on them and never pray. I think it was author, pastor, and blogger Mark Batterson who I first heard say...
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 3, 2011 |
I like to push people. If I ever see one of the guys from my Student Community Group and they don’t see me I’m going to push them. Not such a hard push that it knocks them over, but hard enough that they know I’m there. For some reason they...