Attack of the Squirrels

My friend Matt tells true stories that are unbelievable. For example, he once took a job as an exterminator. He found the job by reading an ad in the paper. His interview consisted of one question: can you catch rodents? Matt, being the hunter that he is, said...

I Love Being A Dad

Yesterday was Father’s Day. It was my first. I didn’t know what to expect. After all my kids are only 12 weeks old. They can’t write, speak, or buy me stuff. A great gift from them would be to sleep through the night or to not poo for one day only....

If I Ever Spoke At a Graduation

Yesterday I had the privilege to go to a high school graduation. Congrats to all the graduates that represented Waters Edge! It reminded me of a post that I did two years ago. In case you missed it here it is again with a few additions…At the graduation I found...

Days Since Last Incident

Warning: The following post contains the word pee and it involves me getting peed on by my son Hayden. I know what someone is going to be tempted to say, “get a pee pee t-pee.” I have one. This joker finds a way to pee on me, but that’s not what this...

Mind Dump

My brain is constipated with random thoughts. It’s time to free up some space with another Mind Dump…I jogged on Monday night and the jog was poo. Literally. In the neighborhoods that I run in they had just put down fertilizer. It smelt like poo for almost...