by Rob Shepherd | Jul 4, 2011 |
If you are an American reading this, then Happy 4th of July. To the rest of the world: Happy Monday. One equals a day off from work, barbecues, and fire works. The other equals just another manic Monday. If I was in charge of a country I would celebrate the 4th...
by Rob Shepherd | Jul 1, 2011 |
I thank God for my Diaper Genie. Now I was never given instructions and I’m pretty sure we are not using it right but I thank God for it. I know that you are supposed to hold the baby over it while they poo and it is supposed to keep the smell in. I’m not...
by Rob Shepherd | Jun 30, 2011 |
So last week I had a blast on this blog by simply asking 3 questions. It spurred a ton of comments and great discussion. Check it here. I love getting to know the faithful readers of I’m scared to try it again for fear that it will be like the movie...
by Rob Shepherd | Jun 29, 2011 |
I hate doing laundry. Now let me clarify. I hate doing laundry since I got married. Okay, now I really need to clarify. I hate doing laundry since I got married because I jack it up. When I did laundry as a single guy I never messed with any of the dials on the...
by Rob Shepherd | Jun 28, 2011 |
Over the weekend I sat in traffic not once but twice while going to VA Beach. While sitting in it the second time I started thinking about other things I’d rather be doing than sitting in traffic. Here’s my list…Watch Twilight without Monica. I hate...