I Wish Jesus Was Like Magic

 I wish Jesus was like magic. Magic is quick and easy. You present a problem and then before your very eyes the problem is solved. All it takes is a few magic words. Oh and a wand. Oh and a cape. Oh and a top hat. All it takes is a few supplies and voila magic...

The Sign For Daddy Looks Like A Rooster

So my wife and I are trying our best to follow the advice of the book, Baby Wise. We are on the second book in the series and they mentioned that it was time to start teaching our twins sign language. According to the book when we say certain words we should make the...

Movie Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

The summer movie season officially begins in May. Although this year Fast Five declared that it started in April. On most years Hollywood parades out their biggest movies in May, June, and July. August is left over month. It’s still a part of the summer movie...

Movie Review: The Help

My wife read the book The Help and loved it. That didn’t bode well for the movie. Most of the time when a movie is based off of a book people say it pales in comparison. That’s why I don’t read non fiction. I like movies too much. Before I give my...

Baby Baby Baby Ohhh

This past week we took the twins to Picture People for their 4 month pictures. I’ve learned that babies have to have their picture professionally taken at least once a month for their first year of existence. I think it has to do with the fact that they change...