Extreme Books

This past Sunday we concluded our series, Summer Book Club at Waters Edge. The point of the series was to feature an Old Testament story  and inspired the church to read the Bible. The following is a funny video that we featured during the welcome.  Now I know that...

No Fear Geese

Every year some really annoying geese walk into the 757. I’m not sure if they can fly because all they do is walk. They walk everywhere. Apparently it’s illegal to kill these geese. I think they know it. They walk in the middle of the street and cars are...

Thinking About School

Today is the first day of school for students and teachers in 757. Thinking about the first day of school made me go down memory lane. The following is a bulleted list made up of one sentence from every year that I was in school. Kindergarten – I lived in...

My Enemy

I don’t think that I have any mortal or immortal enemies. I try to get along with people. I try. I try and yet I seem to have a lot of beef with people. Almost every month I will develop a new problem with someone. I rarely confront the person because I’m...

Things Your Baby Will Bring To The Table

Today I have the great honor and privilege of guest posting over at Ricky Anderson’s site. You may remember Ricky from this guest post or from being my arch nemesis during the Blogging All-Star Challenge. Now some may wonder why my blogging arch nemesis would...