Bring Back Human Videos

When I was in seminary I had a professor who said that the problem with teenagers today is that we don’t have hymns in the church. I adamantly disagree. The problem with teenagers today is that we don’t have human videos in the church. What? You...

Reading Quitter While Working At Your Job

I was recently given a copy of Jon Acuff’s book Quitter. I love Jon’s writing and I couldn’t wait to read this book. The only problem is that I can’t tell anyone that I’m reading it. The book’s subtitle is “Closing the gap...

10 Years Ago Today

10 years ago today… My marriage was a little over a month old. I was working at Liberty Baptist Church. I still had one college class left to take. I crammed 4 years of college into 6 (working full time at a church will do that to you). My favorite band was dc...

Inappropriatly Captioned Animal Pictures

On my blog I have a Statcounter. It helps me see how many people are checking out my little site. It also has a feature called “Keyword Activity.” It allows me to see what people searched for from sites like Google and then ended up on my blog. From time...