I have a theory. There’s no scientific proof behind it, but it’s something that I’ve observed. Here it is. Are you ready?

I don’t think that a person can annoy themselves. Now I do think a person can get annoyed with their own actions. You say something dumb, you mess up at your job, you drop the ball and you get annoyed. But that is different then being annoying and knowing it.

A year ago I was hanging out with a group of people. I was having a blast. I was laughing, joking, and being thoroughly entertaining…or so I thought. When we left my wife, Monica, informed me that multiple people were annoyed with my behavior. In fact one person even said Rob has never annoyed me before but tonight he got on my nerves. I was clueless.

Because we can’t control other people’s feelings it’s impossible to annoy ourselves. I’ve been in many situations where an annoying person was at their best and they never stopped to say, “wow I’m a annoying.” It’s just a theory, but I’ve never experienced an annoying person who realized it.