I’m not going to lie…I love when people leave comments on my blog.  Now I don’t love every comment. There have been a handful that were not positive and I could have done without them. Like the time a Claymate attacked me because I played “Measure of a Man” by Clay Aiken at a Waffle House.  I have no problem with Clay Aiken. I even wanted him to win American Idol. I just think that that song didn’t fit the Waffle House crowd. I played the song, told my friends that we had to leave right that second, and then ran out of the building like I stole something.  It was really poking fun at the Waffle House crowd. Funny thing is no Waffle House fans attacked my blog.  I digress…

If you write a blog then you know what I’m talking about. A comment is like receiving a tip.  Not a tip like clothes don’t make the man, but being naked will get you arrested.  More like a tip a waiter/waitress receives. Similar to the way the wait staff still gets paid whether you tip or not, I have a greater reward than receiving a comment. Knowing that a handful of people read and enjoy my blog is reward enough. The comment is like a tip…it’s something extra.  A comment is that little something extra that let’s me know people are not only reading, but enjoying the blog. 

I understand that you may not know what to say. I also understand that some of you are adamantly against leaving a comment.  But what if for one day only we all came together and left a comment. What if it was the only thing that I wanted from you for Christmas (unless you are my mom, dad, wife, or if you’ve already spent money on me) was a comment from you?

Now most of this post is in jest, but I really do love comments. I love getting to know the people that read my blog. If you’d like to participate then leave your name and if you prefer a real or fake Christmas tree. I’ll start.