Hurt people hurt people.  That sentence is not a mistake. When someone is hurting they often hurt others. About a month ago Monica and I received a doctor’s report that said we were a threatened miscarriage.  The doctor said that 95% of the time nothing happens to the baby, but all I could think about was the 5%.  On the outside I was not showing any sides of cracking, but on the inside I was hurting. 

On my blog I often make mistakes. I don’t mean to, but it happens far too often.  When I do I appreciate it when friends kindly correct one of my mistakes. I don’t enjoy it when someone jokes on a mistake, but I love it when someone cares enough to help me out.  My good friend Dan Peters sent me an email letting me know that I used literally wrong. He explained how it should be used and even wrote that many people make the same mistake I did. I think I wrote that my life would literally suck without Jesus. It was near the end of the day when I received his email. I was hurting. I sent him a quick and somewhat rude response and then I went jogging. 

While I was jogging I started crying.  I’ve often heard women say that sometimes they just need a good cry. I’ve never experienced that. I was so overcome with love for my babies that I just broke down. 

After the jog I thought about my email. I realized that because I was hurting I didn’t respond like I normally would. It’s not right, but it’s what happened.  Hurt people hurt people.  When someone is healthy and whole they don’t hurt others with their words and actions. When someone is hurting they often react by hurting others.  A hurt self image results in hurting others’ self images. A hurting heart results in hurting words. Sometimes people are just jerks, but more often then not you can trace a person’s negative actions back to their hurt.  Hurt people hurt people.  Talking about it to a Christian counselor helped me a lot. Sharing my fears with someone made the hurt…well not hurt so bad. Hurt people hurt people, but I don’t want to hurt others. When I started dealing with my hurt I stopped hurting others.  If you find yourself hurting the ones you love maybe it’s because you are hurting? Oh and everything is going great with the babies. The doctors are no longer concerned!