Some people are naturally bent towards negativity. It’s not that the glass is half full or empty…it’s more that the glass has smudges, and the beverage in the glass is gag nasty.  Now a negative person may spend more time devoting to all things negative, but even the most optimistic person visits negative land from time to time.

What if negativity was a God given reaction? What if a negative bent is actually the way that God wired you? What if optimistic people actually need negative people?

It’s my experience that negative people often see a side of life that positive people miss. Call it a critical eye or just a gift of being critical. What they see if often right.  The problem with being negative is that it often doesn’t come with any solutions. Whether you live in negativeville or just visit it from time to time try harnessing your negativity for something good. Be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

You can either be part of the solution or you can add to the problem. It’s hard to control our emotions…especially when they turn negative, but if you committed to fix the problem you’d actually be using your negativity for good.  The next time negative thoughts take over your mind find a solution to the problem.  Complaining doesn’t change anything. It just spreads negativity and makes things worse.  Before you complain think of a solution and then present it to someone who can do something about it. That’s they way you become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.