As promised I have a special announcement. The Beatles are now on iTunes and my favorite Beatles song is Help. I kid I kid. Last week Apple created some great hype when they posted on iTunes “Tomorrow is just another day…that you’ll never forget.” Their big new news was that the Beatles are now on iTunes. I thought it would be fun to play off all of that hoopla. I digress.
We are having a boy. We aren’t supposed to find out until Dec. 6, but Monica (my wife) is a ninja. She talked to a friend at church and arranged a sneak preview with an ultra sound machine. Baby A was wide open. He was kicking Baby B and spreading his legs for the world to see…or at least the four of us viewing the ultrasound. Baby B was more modest. He or she wouldn’t turn over so we couldn’t see the gender. I guess we will have to wait until Dec. 6.
I was in such a good mood I decided to dress like a Pilgrim for Thanksgiving with my parents. We celebrated Turkey Day last night. We wanted to wait to post it online until after we told our families. We told my family last night and Monica’s today at 2. I hope that you enjoy your Thanksgiving! This is one Thanksgiving that Monica and I will never forget.
Pictured Above: Rob rock’n his Chuck Taylors in a pilgrim outfit. |
Pictured Above: Rob and his nephew Connor. |
Pictured Above: Rob and Thanksgiving feast…at least part of the feast. |
Congrats!!!!!….lovin the fit man….Dec 6th part duex!
Congrats on the baby boy, can't wait to find out what "baby modest" is! 🙂
Rob, you look awesome! Most certainly congrats are in order. Have a great Thanksgiving!
That certainly is great news about the babies Rob. Congratulations. Oh, and nice getup.
Congrats on having at least one boy! It'll be a big surprise when the WEC curse takes over and it comes out as 2 girls. But stay optimistic…! 🙂
Congrats. I knew you found out the sex of one of the babies but I didn't ask and she didn't tell. Maybe the other is a girl and it can be Kobe & Kobet .
congrats! That's really exciting!
YAY for at least one boy! I find it funny that you are the one to make a big deal of the WEC curse and you will likely be the one breaking it! 😀
See, I told you at least one would be a boy or girl! So happy for you dude.