Now I know what the title of this blog is, but I don’t really think that Seth Godin hates me. I did however have an interesting interaction with him last week at Catalyst. I was blessed with the opportunity to host a VIP luncheon with Seth Godin. Now if you are not familiar with Seth he is a blogging master, genius writer, and thinks on a whole notha level.  Below is my brief conversation with Seth…

Rob: Hi Seth, my name is Rob and I’ll be hosting you for this luncheon.
Seth: What does that mean?
Rob: (nervously) um…it just means that I will be facilitating questions to you.
Seth: You broke the first rule in catering.

Time out: Now I had nothing to do with the food at this event. I felt bad that a catering rule was broken, and because I was hosting I decided to take responsibility…even though I had nothing to do with the food. Time in:

Rob: What’s the first rule?
Seth: Never put the food table against a wall. It slows things down because people can’t go on both sides of the table.
Rob: That’s a good rule. I’m sorry about that.
Seth: (nothing but silence)
Rob: Now Seth, can I get you some food or are you going to eat later?
Seth: I don’t eat.

He then walked away and that was the end of our conversation. I’m not sure what his last statement even means. I mean does he truly never eat? Surely that’s not the case. But if he does eat then what did he mean by his statement? Now you need to understand that I get really nervous around guys I look up to because I have a tendency to say really dumb things. After analyzing our conversation I don’t think I said anything dumb around him, but when it was over I couldn’t help but laugh at our interaction.  I love Seth’s blog and his books are incredibly influential. If you haven’t read anything of his you should check it out immediately. And if you ever happen to host a lunch with him make sure you don’t break the number one rule in catering.