Now I know what the title of this blog is, but I don’t really think that Seth Godin hates me. I did however have an interesting interaction with him last week at Catalyst. I was blessed with the opportunity to host a VIP luncheon with Seth
Rob: Hi Seth, my name is Rob and I’ll be hosting you for this luncheon.
Seth: What does that mean?
Rob: (nervously) um…it just means that I will be facilitating questions to you.
Seth: You broke the first rule in catering.
Time out: Now I had nothing to do with the food at this event. I felt bad that a catering rule was broken, and because I was hosting I decided to take responsibility…even though I had nothing to do with the food. Time in:
Rob: What’s the first rule?
Seth: Never put the food table against a wall. It slows things down because people can’t go on both sides of the table.
Rob: That’s a good rule. I’m sorry about that.
Seth: (nothing but silence)
Rob: Now Seth, can I get you some food or are you going to eat later?
Seth: I don’t eat.
He then walked away and that was the end of our conversation. I’m not sure what his last statement even means. I mean does he truly never eat? Surely that’s not the case. But if he does eat then what did he mean by his statement? Now you need to understand that I get really nervous around guys I look up to because I have a tendency to say really dumb things. After analyzing our conversation I don’t think I said anything dumb around him, but when it was over I couldn’t help but laugh at our interaction. I love Seth’s blog and his books are incredibly influential. If you haven’t read anything of his you should check it out immediately. And if you ever happen to host a lunch with him make sure you don’t break the number one rule in catering.
Maybe he "doesn't live by bread alone", ha ha. You definitely didn't say anything stupid, and that takes a lot to take responsibility for something you had nothing to do with. He may be influential and all, and may even be right about breaking the catering rule, but that interaction you had with him makes him sound like a world class jerk that's too big for his britches.
Or he's just plain weird–too weird to interact with people in a normal way. You know people that just say weird stuff to make others look stupid or something, or just to see their reaction. I don't like it when people do that to others, or to me, it's so uncomfortable and what's the point?
I feel like you left out the ending of this story. That was all that you said to him and he to you? Was his attitude meant to be humorous or condescending? What else happened here? Inquiring mind want to know.
Daniel, that was all that was said. I didn't want to bother him so I didn't say anything else to him.
Faith, I don't think he's a jerk or that he meant to be. I thought it was funny and that's why I posted it. He's a human like anyone. Who knows maybe he was nervous to meet me. I kid I kid.
He may have a social disorder you know…like is really awesome in books, blogs, and speaking but when it comes to one on one stuff he can't deal…I have heard some stories about really talented people and if something is off or too much they just 'don't eat' haha Great story!