A lot of women marry an idiot. Maybe it’s just men in general, but it seems like women have a hard time respecting their husbands. Now when a woman has a hard time respecting her husband her first response is to nag him, or put him down.
I loved what Craig’s wife said. I love that she respects him and it helps make him a great man. I think there is so much truth in what she said. I don’t know why God wired men to desire and crave respect, but we do. A wife thinks she’s helping her husband when she nags or puts him down, but it’s the opposite. A respecting wife inspires her husband to greatness. A disrespecting wife is like a swift kick to the crotch. So if you have a man help respect him to greatness.
I can say with confidence that I wouldn’t be the man I am if my wife wasn’t amazing! I praise God for her.
Dang man, preach it! I wish someone from my past could have heard and appreciated these words. Blessings to you.
Good post Rob! I try to show respect and support my husband, and I can actually see the difference between our happiness and his confidence levels by this one thing! I heard somewhere, "if you stop complaining about your husband, you might realize you're not as unhappy as you think"… or something along those lines. So true, I wish more people understood that!
you will get lots of butts, i mean "buts" for this post…and you could do the but-game on BOTH sides…the issue goes back to the Gospel…husbands are not to love their wives to get respect and wives are not to respect their husbands to get love…that is shear manipulation…and 99% of the books on marriage and relationship teaches us how to manipulate…we have to, have to press hard into Jesus and his love for us so that we can love/respect our spouses…joy is a bi product of obedience…always…
Great post~ thanks for the swift kick in my actions wake up alert… I agree and see what the point is… I think that in all fairness though that women in general want to be respected as well but yet on equal playing fields~ Men want respect while women want appreciation… How do you go about challenging your husband to show appreciation?
Wise words and good example. A quote that has long inspired me: "A good marriage is not so much about finding the right person as being the right person."
so true. BUT, i would like a post on the top ten (or hundred) ways that i can show my husband i respect him. it's such a vague and often misinterpreted concept that i mess it up pretty often.
I think my wife does a great job at this. She communicates before it builds to something big. She lets me know if she hasn't been feeling appreciated. She also does a good job of letting me know that she does appreciate me when I do something right. When she communicates out of love I don't get my feelings hurt. She says something like, "I feel like you have been a little distant or I know you love me but latley haven't been feeling like you…" I hope that helps some.
I'll see what I can do about that request.
I believe this does go both ways but I totally agree with Lindsey. I want to and try hard to show my husband respect at the same time I want to feel that he appreciates all that I do. I am blessed by far.
ok, I meant Kristy but I do think a list could help 🙂