A few weeks ago one of my favorite bloggers sent me an email. He started by thanking me for giving him a shout out in that days blog. I mentioned that I really liked his blog in a “Mind Dump” post. After reading his email I paused, pooped my pants, and then said to my wife “I think Tyler Stanton might read my blog.”
His email went on to say that he was wanting to partner with 30 bloggers to raise money for Charity: Water. It’s is a non-profit organization that brings clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations.
His idea is to get get 30 bloggers to raise $30,000. $30,000 provides clean water to 1,500 people (300 families, 6 entire communities). Now $30,000 sounds like a lot to me, but $20 doesn’t. For $20 bucks I can provide clean water for one person for 20 years. I’m not great with math but I think that equals $1 a year for the next 20 years. That’s 20 years just in case you missed it.
I know that you are busy. I also know that money is probably tight, but what if 200 people gave $20? If 200 out of the 6,911 people who read robshep.com last month gave $20 we’d raise $4,000. Hello!
If you are interested here’s what you can do…
- Share about it on Facebook and Twitter.
- If you have your own blog feel free to blog about it. Just because it started with 30 bloggers doesn’t mean we can’t have more participating.
- If you’d like to give click here.
Our money will go towards building water projects in Central African Republic. If you give, charity: water will keep you up-to-date with the status of your project, provide you with GPS coordinates of exactly where the well you contributed to is being built, and take pictures and video along the way.
So, I presume that it is O.K. to read this, agree with you, but not give money. I almost did not post a comment because I didn't quite know what to do. But I do want to say thanks for raising awareness.
Daniel, yeah it's ok. No worries at all.